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How has team culture survived covid

The last few years have been a rollercoaster of change for businesses and employees alike. From having to very quickly adapt to a whole new style of working as offices closed across the world, to finding new ways to work together as they gradually open back up, the workplace in 2022 is very different to the one we left in 2019.

tags: HR Industry, Team Culture, Employee Advice

Has your career changed since Covid?

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant global impact on many aspects of our lives, and one of the areas where this is most evident is the workplace. With a switch to remote work for many, and job losses and career changes for others, it’s unlikely that our careers will ever look like they did before 2020 again.

tags: WFH, Career, HR Industry

Things to expect when using a recruiter

Working with a recruitment agency can take the stress out of the hiring process, identify the best possible candidates and help you be more objective about who’s right for the job.

tags: Employee advice, HR Industry, Recruiter, Interview advice, Getting a job

Increases in salary

The Australian job market is currently in an incredibly volatile place. There is optimism that the economy is improving after the Covid-19 pandemic at the same time as predictions of a potential recession.

tags: employer advice, salary, HR Industry, wages


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Wether you're hiring or looking for a role, Conquest Recruitment Group can help you reach your goals.