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Changing jobs in a slowing economic climate - do you stay or do you go?

When it comes to weighing up the pros and cons of changing roles, how far should you consider the economy? While it’s true that if you have a stable and comfortable job, the depth of a recession is probably not a good time to jump ships, staying put isn’t necessarily the right thing to do.

tags: HR Industry, Careers, Change Job

How to politely turn down a job offer

Rejections are always awkward. Whether it’s a breakup or a party invitation, turning someone down is never easy, and it’s hard to know what to say. Saying no to a job offer is no different.

tags: Career Blog, HR Industry

Interview questions – what’s legal vs illegal to ask in an interview

The candidate wants to present themselves in their best light and show that they would do well in the role they are applying for. The employer needs to make sure to ask questions that allow the candidate to highlight their skills and ascertain if they would be the right fit for the role.

tags: HR Industry, Career Blog

How important is money over team culture?

We’re taking a closer look at some of the myths and ideas around team culture and pay, and sharing how your company can stand out from the crowd to give employees what they really want.

tags: HR Industry, Career Blogs, Money


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