Get your manager invested in your growth!

Get your manager invested in your growth!

Are you in a position at work where you are looking for a major promotion, want your company to pay for some training, or simply you just want to get involved in projects outside your area of responsibility? Well, here are 5 ways to encourage your manager to help you out…

Get the job done and do it well

To get your manager interested in investing in you, you need to show them that you are worth the investment. You want your manager to think you are a strong asset to the team and be keen to help you grow.

It is still important to continue to excel at your core responsibilities as well as taking on additional projects or extra classes on the side. You need to show that you are willing to put in that extra time and effort to invest in your own growth, without letting your core duties down. Letting your performance in your core role lag, will make it less likely that your manager will be up for giving you opportunities like this in the future.

Highlight the benefits

When workloads are heavy and budgets are tight, it helps to clarify the benefits of your request to your manager. By adding a little extra incentive to your request can help your manager see clearly the benefits of giving you the extra projects or training. Be creative and try to show the benefit of getting those extra skills, even if it isn’t directly related to your job description.

Do the research

You want to go into that meeting with all the information at hand! Do your research…find out which training classes you want to attend, or which projects you want to get involved in and how they can benefit you. Your manager is likely to be very busy and even if they want to help you grow, it may take longer just relying on them to do all the research. However, if you come to the meeting prepared with all the information they want to know, you can save a lot of time and it will show that you are keen and determined to achieve this.

By doing the legwork for your manager and coming to the meeting prepared with ideas for how you could attain this growth goal, you make it easier for your manager to say yes. Think of any objections or hesitations that your manager may have to your request and have some responses ready!

Ask advice, not demands

Now, with all that in mind, you want to be having a conversation with your manager, not just demanding requests! You want your manager on your side, and helping you achieve your growth. This conversation should be to figure out the best next steps together.

It may be the case where there isn’t any budget for additional training, but with your manager knowing where your interests lie, they can suggest projects you can get involved in or other managers you can shadow. By simply knowing the areas you are interested in, can help your manager see opportunities that you wouldn’t have even known were there.

Patience is a virtue

Ultimately, if you want your manager to invest the time and money in your career development then you need to play the long game. This means having regular conversations with your manager and being patient. They will not necessarily agree or have the opportunities available after a one-time request.

Maybe, at your monthly meetings or every quarter, you can review areas of improvement and how you want to develop. This way you can work with your manager to gradually develop your career step by step. Ask your manager advice on how to achieve your career goals. That is what they are there for!

tags: career development, communication skills, employee growth, promotion


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